Long Beach Township, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering what the population and steets in Long Beach Township City are, keep reading. We've gathered a few statistics about this area, including its median income, racial makeup, and number of people living below the poverty line. The population of Long Beach Township is just over 55,000, but there are plenty of other details to consider. Learn more about the city's demographics by downloading the Population & Steets in Long Beach Township.

The percentage of people born outside the United States varies by county. For example, Ship Bottom has the highest percent of residents who were born outside the United States. Long Beach township is only 3.8% bigger than the average United States town. On the other hand, Long Beach township is about one-fifth the size of New Jersey. You can compare the family size and percent of non-citizens in Long Beach township with other areas in the area.

As for the climate of the township, the area has a humid subtropical climate. The average temperature in Long Beach Township is 4.3 degF. The winters are cool, with temperatures ranging from thirty to forty-six centigrade. The average snowfall is in February and corresponds with the annual peak of nor'easter activity. The median household size is 1.98 people.