Little Ferry, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in learning more about Little Ferry City, here's a map of its population and steets. Based on self-reported data, it's possible to see how many people live in each area of the city. You can also learn about the number of people who commute by car, bus, or trolley bus. The information below is based on the latest census data, but the US Census Bureau does not guarantee its accuracy.

The population of Little Ferry, NJ is 10,689, and is located in the southeast corner of the state near the mouth of the Hudson River. The most comfortable months are September, June, and May, while January is the least comfortable. The city is part of the New York metropolitan area, which covers the island of Manhattan and the eight-county area to its north. This makes it one of the wealthiest places in the country.

The ZIP code for Little Ferry, New Jersey is 07631. The city is in Bergen. Its population is estimated to be 4,5,699 in 2020. This is the default name used by the USPS. If you'd like to get more detailed information on Little Ferry, New Jersey, check out Wikipedia. It is an easy way to see the population of Little Ferry and where it ranks among its peers.

The population of Little Ferry South is diverse. Most residents speak English, although there are people of other languages as well. The most common language is English, although residents in this area also speak Spanish, Arabic, Italian, and Urdu. One hundred and seventeen residents speak two languages at home. The city is home to a number of ethnic groups. However, people in Little Ferry South speak Spanish at home.