Little Egg Harbor Twp, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Little Egg Harbor Twp City is approximately 12,000 people. Women make up almost half the population, but men are much younger than women. The median age of people in the township is approximately 32. Women live in the township, which is approximately 16% smaller than the national average. In addition to that, they have lower median incomes than men. For those looking to invest in real estate in this township, there are several options.

You can find information about the population of Little Egg Harbor Twp City by visiting the website of the U.S. Census Bureau. You can also view the percentage of residents of each race and ethnicity by year and age cohort. The percentage of residents who are foreign-born is also available. Little Egg Harbor has a low number of native-born residents, but its proportion of foreign-born people is high.

As of the 2010 Census, there were 1,012 households in the township. The population of Little Egg Harbor Twp City is comprised of two boroughs. The population is also evenly split between the two boroughs, Little Egg Harbor and Ocean Township. The township is home to some of the largest corporations in New Jersey. With the help of online tools, residents of Little Egg Harbor Twp City can easily locate the businesses they need.

The median family income for Egg Harbor Twp City is $96,250 (+/ $9762), and the median household income is $108,239 (-$9,762). There is a large percentage of military personnel living in Little-Egg Harbor Twp. Residents in this township have higher median incomes than their counterparts in neighboring states, making Egg Harbor Twp City a good choice for families with young children.