Ledgewood, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering about the population of Ledgewood, you are not alone. Ledgewood is home to around 2,558 people, a ratio of one man to four women. The median age is about 37.9 and 42.6, respectively, and there are 6,465 births and 3,527 deaths per year in Ledgewood. The racial makeup of Ledgewood varies, as do the averages of different ages.

There are a number of ways to learn more about Ledgewood. For example, you can look up the school enrollment. This information can help you make decisions about the educational environment for your children. You can also learn about the job market. In Ledgewood, 122,655 students attend public and private schools.

Crime rates in Ledgewood are lower than the national average. However, crime rates in Ledgewood are higher in some parts of the city than others. For example, the west part of Ledgewood has a higher crime rate than the central part. The reason behind this disparity is that crime is generally concentrated in the city's retail areas.

Ledgewood is located in Roxbury Township and is primarily residential. The city offers many outdoor recreation opportunities. The Morris Canal Park is a nice spot for hiking and biking, and there is also a small pond for fishing. Nearby, several lakes offer beaches, including Randolph Park Beach. If you're looking for some fun with the family, Ledgewood is a great place to live.