Keyport, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Keyport City, NJ are based on the latest US Census Bureau data. Keyport's average population per square mile is just over 8,400. About 355 people commute by car, while 168 people use public transportation. The city has an overall low crime rate, but the city's population density is lower than other cities in New Jersey. The area around major parks and airports is less densely populated.

Keyport has a low rate of violent crime, with violent crimes at 0.97 per 1,000 residents. The city is in the 92nd percentile of most violent crime cities in the United States, which is below average. The city is safest in the south, while the city has higher rates of violent crime in the north and central parts. The map below shows the rate of violent crime in Keyport.

The median property value in Keyport, NJ is $264,200. This is about one-third higher than the national average. In addition, the median home value is $264,200. There are nearly three-fifths of a million people living in Keyport, NJ. The city has a small-town feel, with lots of small businesses and a thriving waterfront. Despite its small size, Keyport is home to many businesses and residential buildings.

The population of Keyport, NJ is comprised of four different racial and ethnic groups, with the majority of residents being white (Non-Hispanic). There are also five households that are black or African-American, and the area has a low percentage of Asian-Americans. Keyport has a small population of Native Americans, with 15.2%. Its median household income is $60,949.