Kenvil, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Kenvil City, NJ, is approximately three thousand residents. The median age of its residents is 47, and about thirteen percent of the residents are under the age of six. The median household income is $21,038. In 2018, more than ninety percent of Kenvil's residents opted to live in their homes. For more details, check out the demographics of the city below.

Kenvil's residential fire statistics show a variety of property conditions in the area. These statistics are indicative of the general quality of the city's utilities, community safety resources, and common types of crime. If you're looking for a cheap two-bedroom apartment in Kenvil, NJ, consider moving to a neighborhood with an existing building. In many cases, you'll be able to find a cheap rental in Kenvil, NJ.

The population of Kenvil City, NJ is made up of 3,013 residents of various races and sexes. Of these, 51.2% of Kenvil's population is white, while 48.8% of the city's people identify as black, Asian, or Latino. The town's median age is 34 years old. The male-to-female ratio is 106:1.

Crime rates in Kenvil are less than average for a small town. Southwest Kenvil, NJ has the highest crime rate, while the north has lower crime rates. Because most crimes happen in the daytime, the crime map may not reflect the true crime rate. In Kenvil, there are a few neighborhoods that are safer than others, although the southeast part of the city is considered to be the safest.