Juliustown, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Population & Steets in Juliliustown City? There are many statistics about this city available to you. Here are some of the most pertinent statistics you need to know. The population of Juliustown City is 87% owner-occupied, and the average household size is 2.8 people. There are different levels of quality of life in the city. For example, some home buyers prefer the walkability of a city, while others prefer the tranquility of a suburban area with natural open spaces.

In the early 1900's Juliustown City had a post office on Deerfield Street, a road that connects the town to other nearby towns. It is located in a fertile area where sweet potatoes are raised for Philadelphia markets. Another post village on the Delaware River, called Delanco, was the shipping point for Philadelphia. A post office in the neighboring town of Delawainia was the post office for Passaic County.

The city is home to several post hamlets. The largest is Elizabethport, with the Central Railroad station named after it. The town has a great amount of commerce and is the center of a fish trade. Large manufacturing companies employ more than 2CXDO workers, manufacturing everything from edge-tools to stoves. In addition to manufacturing goods, the city has immense wharves and yards for shipping anthracite coal. The city has a population of 5477 as of the 1880 census, and this figure is likely to increase even further as the summer season continues.