Hopelawn, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The demographics of the city of Hopelawn can be found in the following table. These numbers are taken from the most recent census, the American Community Survey, as of 2020. The data are updated annually as new information becomes available. The Hopelawn population is a mix of working, non-working, and students. The average commute time is 15 minutes. The average income per resident is $23,457.

The Hopelawn population is composed of a mix of ethnicities, with 23.0% of residents identifying as Hispanic or Latino, while 11.6% identify as Asian. About 0.7% of residents speak Urdu at home, which is the national language of Pakistan. While this may not seem like a large proportion, it is a significant portion of the local population. Hopelawn has a diverse population and a great deal to offer visitors.

The city is located in a suburb of Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Its population of 2,796 is predominantly white. The median household income is $59,271. The median age is 37 years old. This city was established in 1897 and is part of the Hopelawn School District. The city also has a fire station and First Aid Squad. Its zoning ordinances require that all businesses within the city have a business license.