Hightstown, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The ZIP Code for Hightstown City is 07628. The city is located in Mercer County, New Jersey. The USPS designates this ZIP Code as D (Default). This default name is commonly used, and is also the city's street name. The population for Hightstown is estimated for 2020 and 2010 based on its street name. This article will also provide information on the population and steets in Hightstown City.

The population of Hightstown is estimated at 5,529 residents. The median household income is $71,174, based on ESRI data. The city is home to about 1% poverty, which could affect local advertising and zoning. Hightstown is also home to many immigrants from other countries. The city's median age is 38.4 years, and 73% of the people in Hightstown have graduated from high school.

The highest percentage of residents living in poverty is White, followed by Hispanic, and then Black. The state of New Jersey has an overall poverty rate of 8.3%, and the population of Hightstown, NJ is lower than that rate. The median gross rent in Hightstown is $1,305 per month. There are many ways to get around Hightstown, but it is helpful to know how to get around.

The population of Hightstown City was 5,216 in 2010 and is expected to grow slightly by 2020. The area was first settled by Europeans in the late 1600s. However, the town was officially incorporated in 1721. The city is located roughly half way between Philadelphia and New York City, and is about midway between two state parks. It is a residential town in the Mercer County, New Jersey region.