Hackettstown, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Hackertstown City are a key piece of information about this area. These statistics are based on information gathered from AreaVibes users. Below is a breakdown of each of the categories. For example, you can find out the median age for men and women living in Hackettstown. Alternatively, you can find out which schools are located in the city.

In terms of employment, Hackettstown City is home to 609 people. However, if you look at the area's population as a whole, the figure is actually higher - 34% more people live in Hackettstown than in neighboring New Jersey. Although there are other ways to compare the two, the data is always interesting to have.

As for the overall population, Hackettstown City has a relatively low birth rate - 2.6%. As far as family size is concerned, Hackettstown is a mid-sized city. The highest family size in the area is in the Vienna CDP. The birth rate is low in Hackettstown, but it is higher in neighboring areas such as Brooklyn, Queens, and New Jersey City.

In terms of senior citizens, Hackettstown is a very affordable community to live in. There are 60 churches in the city, seven parks, and three shopping centers. The cost of living in Hackettstown is low compared to the state average. The air quality is above average. The overall quality of life is good, although there are some issues that you should know.