Green Creek, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in Green-Creek City, Ohio? The population of Green-Creek City is currently 3,646 as of the 2010 census. The city has a density of 104 people per square kilometer and is expected to increase to 3,464 by 2020. For further information, see the Green Creek city page. You can also check the other census records in Sandusky County.

If you're wondering about the demographics of Green Creek City, look no further than the United States Census Bureau. There are numerous demographic studies available that can help you get a better idea of your community's population. You'll find that Green Creek is home to some of the highest concentrations of retirees in the entire state. The township's population is 3.7 times smaller than the cities of Rutherfordton and Campobello, which have populations of 1,367 and 1,534 respectively.

The area's population and ethnicity are quite diverse. There's a small Native population of 1.3%. The other top tier township is Rutherfordton, which is the largest city in the county. For those looking for an alternative to the Green Creek City, North Carolina, may be the best fit for you. Its population is made up of both residents and foreigners. So what makes this place so diverse?