Gloucester Cy, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Gloucester City is about 76,060 people. Most people commute by car, while others choose to walk or bike. The average household income is $19,947. There are about 8,000 businesses in Gloucester City. The population of this city is diverse, with Italian, Polish, American, and English descent. The city has a land area of 2.20 square miles and is located in the region of South Jersey. Compared to Philadelphia, the city's population is 7% less than the U.S. average.

The city is located in Camden County, New Jersey. The city is a part of the Metro Philadelphia area. The official city name is GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ. The city's area code is 856. Gloucester City has an average density of 3172 people per square kilometer or 5,140 people per square mile. This is much lower than the population density in other parts of New Jersey.

Gloucester Cy City has a diverse population. Twenty-nine percent of the population was under the age of eighteen, while fifteen percent of households had a female householder without a husband. One-third of households were non-families, while another thirty-six percent were families. Twenty-one percent of households were composed of single people. One-third of all households were composed of individuals, while 13.0% had a person aged 65 or older living alone.