Estell Manor, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in the demographics of Estell Manor City, NJ, you're not alone. Many people are looking for a more detailed look at the city's population and racial makeup. The most recent census data shows that 99.8% of Estell Manor's population is U.S. citizen. The median property value was $255,500, and 93.9% of families lived in houses that were at least partially mortgaged. Most people in Estell Manor commuted alone to work, with an average of 31.1 minutes. The average car owner in Estell Manor had two cars. With a population of 1.73k people, Estell Manor is a great place to start your research on the area's economic status.

This town has a public school that serves students in kindergarten through eighth grade. It has one public school, and the district has an enrollment of 182 students. In 2016-17, there were 14.9 classroom teachers per student. Despite the relatively low population, Estell Manor had one of the highest student-to-teacher ratios in New Jersey. And there were no reported evictions in Estell Manor during the same period.

In Estell Manor, drug-related crime is relatively low. It is only one in every 678 residents in the southwest section of the city. In contrast, drug-related crime in Estell Manor is lower in the north. While crime is not prevalent in the south, it is generally found in areas with less population. If crime is prevalent, the southwest part of the city is generally safer.