Dividing Creek, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in learning more about the demographics of Dividing Creek City, you've come to the right place. Here you'll find population and steets data for the area. The numbers you see will give you a sense of the town's size, as well as its crime rate. The map below will show you which cities in Dividing Creek have the highest and lowest violent crime rates.

The information is based on the most recent US Census, which was conducted in 2010. The city of Dividing Creek, NJ does not have a detailed population profile yet, but the US Postal Service prefers the term "Dividing Creek" for mailing purposes. The city is largely referred to by its residents, though, as many people call it. Population data are also available for zip codes that contain multiple digits, which can be a bit confusing if you don't know what the numbers are.

Despite the fact that the city has a growing number of Hispanic residents, its black population has decreased in the past decade. Since 2010, the population of non-Hispanic white residents has fallen by 9.3%. Meanwhile, the number of white residents has increased by 2,538 - nearly half of the total population. Despite the recent growth in Hispanic and Asian populations, this neighborhood still remains primarily white.