Cresskill, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Cresskill City? This New Jersey city is located in Bergen County. As of the 2010 Census, the population of Cresskill was 8,573 people, up 827 people from the 2000 Census and 188 from the 1990 Census. You can find the latest census numbers for Cresskill City below. In addition to the current population, you can find out what the population of this city looks like by visiting the website of the city.

What is the Population of Cresskill City? The population of Cresskill is expected to be 8,506 people as of 2020. This number represents a decrease of 0.48% since the 2010 census. Houses in Cresskill are worth $677,500 and the median rent is $2,686 per month. The median age of the population is 41.2 years. Males are 39.6 years old and females are 43.7 years old.

In terms of race and ethnicity, the majority of Cresskill residents are white. However, one in three residents are Asian. Moreover, about 5.3% of Cresskill residents identify themselves as Hispanic. The city is home to eight homeowners, with an average income of $134,252. The overall educational level of Cresskill residents is high, with 82% completing high school and 22% graduating from college.

Crime rates are also low in Cresskill. Compared to other towns in the state, crime rates in Cresskill are lower than the national average. This is great news for residents of the city, as crime in this area is much lower than in other areas. If you want to feel safe in Cresskill City, check out the crime map below. The map also shows you the exact boundaries of the city.