Browns Mills, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning on moving to Browns Mills City, you might want to learn more about its population and statistics. This information is based on the latest U.S. Census Bureau data, which identifies urban clusters every 10 years. However, because the data is subject to change, the most recent information is not guaranteed. To make the most accurate comparison, look for the 2020 American Community Survey.

The population of Browns Mills is 11.k strong, with a median property value of $157,600. The homeownership rate is 74.2%. Most people commute by car, with an average commute time of 30.3 minutes. In 2016, the median car ownership rate in Browns Mills was two cars per household. Although the number of residents is small, it reflects a diverse community.

The median age of people in Browns Mills, NJ is 35 years old. The number of children under 18 is slightly smaller than the number of native-born residents. The percentage of foreign-born residents in Browns Mills, NJ is significantly higher than the state average. A significant percentage of people in Browns Mills, NJ were born in India, with the majority being white. Another large proportion of the population was born in the Dominican Republic.

Crime rates in Browns Mills city are lower in areas with fewer residents. For example, a low crime rate means that there are fewer crimes committed per thousand residents. However, a high crime rate in parks or other recreational areas will appear higher in the city. This is because crime happens wherever people congregate. It is not a simple or intuitive process to determine crime rates in a given city.