Brooklawn, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Brooklawn is a city in New Jersey. There are approximately 2,004 residents. Approximately 68.3% of Brooklawn residents are white, while 6.6% are Hispanic or Latino. The population is also comprised of 0.0% Asian, Pacific Islander, and American Indian or Alaska Native residents. Of the residents aged 16 and over, 1.4% identify as two or more races.

The most common languages spoken in Brooklawn are English, Spanish, and Greek. Other languages include Portuguese, Italian, and Hebrew. Brooklawn is home to many immigrants. As a result, it has a large stock of pre-World War II architecture. In addition to English, residents of Brooklawn also speak German, Swedish, and Finnish. Its median age is 33.0%, making it the oldest community in the country.

The median household income in Brooklawn is $66,797. Eighty-nine percent of the Brooklawn community has a broadband Internet connection. Eighty-nine percent of households in Brooklawn have access to a computer. That means that there are 89.5% of households with access to a computer. With this demographic, people are more likely to have internet access than ever before.