Blawenburg, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that Blawenburg City is in New York? If you live here, you can expect to experience a pleasant climate most of the year. You can find the most comfortable months in the city to be June, September, and August. You can expect the coldest month to be January. The population of Blawenburg is 217 people, and the decline in population since 2020 has been quite dramatic.

Depending on your preferences, you can find out more about the city and its surrounding neighborhoods by looking at the demographics of the residents. Blawenburg is home to 78% owner-occupied dwellings, and the average household size is 2.9. Although quality of life is relative, it can be important to consider all of these factors when choosing the best area for your needs. For example, some people may prefer the hustle and bustle of a large city, while others would rather be closer to nature and open spaces.

While there are several neighborhoods and other urban areas in Blawenburg, the majority of residents live in Blawenburg, NJ, a census-designated place. This designation is unique because it means that Blawenburg is a census-designated place, which is statistically equivalent to a self-governing place. Unlike a city, a census-designated place has no governmental function. Its primary function is to serve as a place for research purposes.