Berkeley Heights, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In this article, you will learn about the Population & Steets of Berkeley Heights City, New Jersey. You will learn about the population of the city, and the various transportation methods that its residents use to get around. The demographic data in this article comes from the 2020 American Community Survey, which is updated every year by the U.S. Census Bureau. The data is not guaranteed to be completely accurate.

The population of Berkeley Heights is around 14,000 people and is a bedroom community located in the Raritan Valley area of the New York metropolitan area. The median income of residents in the city is around $147,000. L'Oreal and Nokia's corporate headquarters are also located here. This city has a lot to offer its residents, from shopping malls to schools. Listed below are some of the most popular businesses in Berkeley Heights.

The 2000 census data shows that there were 4,470 households in Berkeley Heights City. Of these, 39.9% were under the age of 18, while 9.30% were over the age of 64. Twenty-nine percent of households were non-families, while 17.6% were single-person households. And ten percent of the households were headed by a person 65 or older. The median household size was 2.85 people, and the median family size was three.