Beach Haven, New Jersey Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to determining whether a neighborhood is right for you, demographics are a good guide. For example, 92% of Beach Haven homes are owner-occupied, while the average household size is 2.1 people. While quality of life can be a subjective topic, many people prefer to live in a walkable city or suburb, while others like the peacefulness of a rural area and the proximity to nature. Some do not mind a short commute and would rather live in a quieter neighborhood, but still want to live in a good community.

This chart depicts the percentage of households in Beach Haven, NJ that own cars. It uses a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to show variations between smaller forms of transportation. This chart shows the number of households in Beach Haven, NJ, organized by car ownership buckets. The largest proportion of households has two cars. The other category is false. Beach Haven, NJ has a low rate of unemployment, with over 99% of residents receiving a minimum wage.

The majority of residents of Beach Haven, NJ are US citizens. A recent census shows that 99.41% of the city's population is white (non-Hispanic). The proportion of Hispanic residents is 3.5%, making it the third-most Hispanic place in the greater Beach Haven West CDP region. As for gender, the majority of residents are white, although the city is also home to a high proportion of Asians.