Rollinsford, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population of a certain city, you should check the Population & Steets in Rollnsford City. This information will give you the general idea about the city's demographics. This information is based on official sources, and may contain errors, omissions, and modifications. Therefore, the population and steets data should be used with caution.

The crime rate in Rollinsford City is higher than the average for Georgia. This is mainly due to the fact that most people who commit crimes do not live in these areas. The northeast part of the city is particularly high in crime because of the high concentration of retail establishments. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that residents should avoid living in these blocks. Likewise, red areas on the crime rate map don't necessarily represent a risky neighborhood.

The population of Rollinsford City is diverse. A majority of households are made up of a husband and wife. The median household size in Rollinsford is 3.1. There are about four hundred and seventy people living in the city. The city's population is made up of married people and lone parents. Its percentage of single people is higher than the average for the United States.

The population of Rollinsford is diverse and includes residents of all races and ethnicities. One percent of the population is Hispanic and the other is white. The remaining 1% of the population is female. The average ratio for New Hampshire and the U.S. is 49.8% to 50.8%. If you'd like to learn more about the city's ethnicity, check out the Census website.