North Woodstock, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking for places to eat in North Woodstock, New Hampshire, you'll need to know the population and steets in the town. The following table shows the population and steets of the cities within 39 miles. These cities are great options if you plan to fly from one city to the next or just enjoy a day trip in a smaller town. Also, you can use this table to find places to stay within 100 miles of North Woodstock.

In North Woodstock, NH, there are approximately 624 residents per square mile. It is bordered by Interstate 93, U.S. Route 3, and New Hampshire Route 112. The city has a population of about 6,000 people, and there are 353 households. There are approximately 1,421 housing units, but only a fraction of them are occupied. One-third of these units are vacant or used seasonally. Compared to other states, North Woodstock, NH has a high percentage of white people. However, there are a few ethnic groups that are underrepresented, including 0% of people who are hispanic.

The city is located in Cherokee County, Georgia. The population of North Woodstock is expected to reach 33,299 by the 2020 census. The town is home to Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest and parts of the White Mountain National Forest. Its location on the Appalachian Trail makes it a popular hiking destination. In addition, the Town of Woodstock has several recreational areas, including the Lost River Reservation and Russell Pond Campground.