Palm Gardens, Nevada Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Palm Garden City are important statistics that can help you determine the size of your community. Here, you can find out how many people live in Palm Gardens City, what the median age is, and other important details about this area. The data you see in this table were compiled from the most recent census and other sources, and may not be current or complete. We recommend that you always check with the appropriate source before making any decisions.

According to the census data, Palm Beach Gardens is an ethnically diverse city. While only a small portion of the population is Black or Hispanic, a large number of residents report being White. Another significant group is Italian, Spanish, and German. English is the primary language spoken in Palm Gardens, but Spanish and French are also widely spoken. However, the majority of residents speak English as their primary language.

The USPS data shows that there are roughly 1,300,000 residents in Palm Gardens, Florida. The city's zip code is 33418. The ZIP Code is located in Palm Beach County, FL. It borders the cities of Riviera Beach, Jupiter, West Palm Beach, and Palm Beach. The area code is 561. As with any other city in Florida, there are many road closures and speed limits to consider when planning a trip.