Gardnerville, Nevada Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in learning more about the demographics of Gardnerville City, Nevada, you've come to the right place. In this article, you'll find a summary of Gardnerville's population and steets. You'll find out where to live and what to do in the area. Here's a quick overview of this growing community. Also, be sure to check out Gardnerville, NV real estate listings.

In the Gardnerville area, the majority of residents are middle class or upper-middle-class. In fact, only 17.6% of Gardnerville's population lives below the federal poverty level. The number of high-paid jobs is correspondingly lower than the number of low-paying positions. The median household income is $79,690, which is far above the national average. A little over 9% of Gardnerville's residents are college graduates.

The Gardnerville population was 6.12k at the end of 2019, with a median age of 43.9. The median household income was $55,603, a 9.67% increase over last year. The population of Gardnerville is mostly White (non-Hispanic) with 16.4% Hispanic. The rest are Black or African American or Two+. One hundred thirty-seven residents are Hispanic.

As the population of Gardnerville grows, the city will be affected by air pollution. Many vehicles pass through the city, and these vehicles emit haze and smoke, and secondary pollutants like ozone. The latter is a highly-regulated air pollutant in the United States. It blankets the city's busy streets and has adverse health effects. If you live in Gardnerville, make sure to monitor your local air quality.