Lodgepole, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know the Population & Steets in Lodge pole City, Nebraska? Find out below! Interested in living in Lodgepole? Take a look at the area's demographics. You'll be surprised by what you discover! The population of Lodgepole is a bit lower than most of the surrounding towns, but it's still relatively safe compared to other Nebraska cities. And crime rates are lower than most other parts of the country.

When it comes to commuting, the average time was 13.3 minutes. In addition, there were 158 households with children under the age of 18. Married couples comprised 53.8% of households, while individuals made up 35.4% of households. Senior citizens accounted for 20.3% of households. The median home price in Lodgepole City was $72,300. Home appreciation was 3.8% over the past decade.

The total voting age population in Lodgepole, NE is 263 people. Of that number, 48.3% are men and 51.7% are women. The median household income in Lodgepole, NE is $40,500, compared to $20,750 for the entire United States. Furthermore, there are many military personnel residing in Lodgepole. These are the people you want to get to know better.

The ZIP code for Lodgepole, NE is 69149. This city is part of the Cheyenne - Scottsbluff metro area. Its official name is LODGEPOLE, NE. If you have the ZIP code for Lodgepole, Nebraska, you can search for it online by entering your address. You can also use Quick Select to find the zip code. That will help you find the population and street address.