Leshara, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in the population and steets of Leshara City, Nebraska, you have come to the right place. This mid-sized city complex is located in eastern Nebraska along the Missouri River, near the border with Iowa. The climate in this town is mild and pleasant from September to May, and January to February is the coldest month. If you are interested in the weather in Leshara, Nebraska, you should visit between March and May.

The population of Leshara City is approximately three-fourths of the total population of Nebraska. The city is one of the smallest cities in Nebraska, but has a population nearly as large as three-fourths of the entire state. The median age of residents is 35. Leshara's population is composed of a diverse population of people from different backgrounds and ethnicities. It has a diverse population, with many locals speaking Spanish, Chinese, and English.

The racial breakdown of the population of Leshara, NE is as follows: White, Black, and Native American. The percentage of residents living in poverty is determined by the Census Bureau's set of income thresholds. Depending on the number of children and the composition of the family, a household with an income of under $15,000 per year is considered to be living in poverty. The most common occupations in Leshara are transportation, office & administrative support, and health technologists & technicians.

The median household income of the residents of Leshara is $49,375. This is an increase of 22.8% over the previous year. The child poverty rate in Leshara, NE is also 0.0%. The majority of residents of Leshara, NE are employed, with 58.5% of residents having some type of post-secondary degree. There are also a total of two cars per household, and a single car is reported by false households.