Westby, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the population and stouts of Westby? This article aims to answer that question. Westby is a city in Wisconsin, United States. It is a small city, with a population of 2,254 people. It has experienced a 3.5% population decrease since the year 2020, and it is a family-friendly community. The median home price in Westby is $168,400, which makes it a good choice for anyone looking to buy a house.

In Westby, you can find a map showing the number of renter-occupied homes in the city. Listed below are statistics for each of these types of households. Some of these numbers include evictions. A large number of evictions could be an indicator of the economy's condition. However, some evictions are not due to code violations. Other reasons for evictions include failure to pay rent or other financial issues.

In Westby, Wisconsin, the median age is 41.5 years. The percentage of people below the poverty line varies by family size and composition, but families that fall below these levels are considered poor. Most of the poor in Westby are White, Hispanic, and black. One in four people in Westby are below the poverty line. If your household makes less than that amount, you could qualify for free housing.

The median household income in Westby is $45,145. This figure indicates the affordability of housing in the city. The number of renters in Westby, WI is higher than the state's average of 28.9%, but lower than Lancaster and West Salem, which both have 27.7% rent burdens. Almost one-third of the Westby, WI population lives in homes with two or more cars.