Pinesdale, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Pinesdale is 917 people, as of the 2010 census. The city has an estimated 2020 population of 1,038. The town's median property value is $207,900, which is 0.864 times smaller than the national average of $240,500. The homeownership rate is 77.5%, which is higher than the national average of 63.6%. Pinesdale is also home to five households, or five people per household.

The median age of residents of Pinesdale City, MT is 20. This figure is lower than the state's average. Compared to the state of Montana, Pinesdale, MT is home to a large population of military veterans. The city's citizenship rate is higher than the state average of 64.1%, and there are a lot of foreign-born residents living in the community.

The percentage of households that are classified as poor in Pinesdale, MT is higher than the national average. More than half of the people in Pinesdale are White, while 25.6% carpooled to work. Only 5.31% worked from home. The chart below shows how many households in Pinesdale, MT use each mode of transportation. The y-axis is plotted on a logarithmic scale to allow for variation in smaller means of commuting. The households in Pinesdale, MT are distributed by car ownership. The largest group of households has five or more cars. The second largest group has three or less cars.

The median income in Pinesdale, MT is $45,625. This is slightly lower than the state average. However, the city has a very high percentage of women in the lower-paying categories. As of 2016, the city is home to eight pilots and one other airman. In the US, males have more than double the median income of their female counterparts. Those who are white, however, earn more.