Whitewater, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There is no official population estimate for the city of Whitewater, but the area is home to 14,766 people. The median home value in the area is $164,500. The poverty rate is 39 percent, and the median annual household income is $34,563. Fortunately, the city's high income does not translate to a higher crime rate. The median household income in Whitewater is slightly higher than the national average, which is about $22,200.

The population of Whitewater City is diverse. About twenty-one percent of the population is under the age of 18, while thirty-five percent is between 25 and 44. A further seven percent of the population lives without a spouse, while 59.2% of the residents are not families. In addition to families, there are singles, divorced women, and seniors. The median household size is two and a half, and the percentage of households that have more than one vehicle is ten percent.

The city's growth and development was spurred by the construction of the Old Stone Mill, which was donated by Dr. Trippe. The mill opened in 1840, and a variety of industries spawned the city's growth. A blacksmith shop, mill, store, hotel, and post office were all established by the 1840 census. In addition, the city was home to six stores, one grocery, two hotels, and two cabinet shops. There were also twenty-nine homes recorded in the area, including a cooper, tailor, and cabinet shop.