Wesco, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information is compiled from public records and other sources about the Population & Steets in Wesko City, Illinois. The data is presented as a map, weighted by type of crime and severity. The grade for Wesco is C+, which means that it is relatively safe compared to the rest of the United States. In terms of crime, Wesco ranks in the 46th percentile for safety, compared to 54% of the country's cities.

The Great Depression affected the community greatly. Several factories closed down, including the Haugh and Ketcham foundry and the Duesenberg factory. Nevertheless, the population of Wesco increased significantly. The Christamore House reported an increase in attendance from 53,000 in 1928 to 76,000 in 1936. Despite these challenges, residents of Wesco remained resilient and continued to contribute to the community. The city's growth was accompanied by a decline in employment rates.

The emergence of railroads in the area paved the way for change, and the expansion of factories split the northeastern two-thirds of the community from the bottom one-third. In the mid-nineteenth century, the old Big Four tracks entered the community, traveling diagonally south and intersecting Washington Street and Harding Street. The second railroad built in the area was the Indianapolis Belt Railroad, which increased access to transportation and further divided the community.