Wappapello, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Wappapello City is home to a population of approximately 2,437 people, with 1,230 males and 1,207 females. The median age is 48.2 years, and there are about 164 deaths per year. The city has a diverse population of people from all different races.

This town is located in the Jefferson County, Missouri region. The surrounding cities and towns are about 89 miles from Wappapello, MO. There are a variety of options when searching for flights to Wappapello, MO. Use the list below to find more information about the surrounding area.

Crime rates in Wappapello are higher than the national average. However, this does not mean that crime is prevalent in the city. Crime occurs where people are. Therefore, the crime map of Wappapello may not be accurate. However, it will provide a general idea of how safe the city is.

Visitors to the area can enjoy a variety of recreation opportunities, including fishing in the lake. The lake has a large and excellent population of fish, making it a popular attraction among fishermen. There are also picnic areas, paved boat ramps, and miles of hiking trails.