Sweet Springs, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What do the Population & Steets in Sweets Springs City tell you? The city is located in Saline County, Missouri. In 2016, the population of Sweet Springs, MO was 1,521. The median household income was $38,077. According to the US CENSUS BUREAU, the poverty rate is 4.83%. Sweet Springs is one of the lowest income cities in Missouri. However, the average household income in Sweet Springs is still significantly higher than the state's average.

In 2010, there were 612 households in Sweet Springs City. Of these households, 33.7% were headed by a single person. Forty-nine percent of households were headed by a married couple. Sixteen percent were headed by a female who was not her husband's partner. Twenty-eight percent of households were made up of non-families. Another 16.0% of households were headed by a single person who was 65 or older. The average household size in Sweet Springs was 2.48 people, while the average family size was 3.06 people.

Although 99.8% of Sweet Springs, MO residents are US citizens, the rate of citizenship has decreased compared to the national average. The median property value in Sweet Springs is $72,900, which represents an increase of 2.53% from last year. Homeownership in Sweet Springs is 68.9%, higher than the national average of 64.8%. The average commute time is 26.2 minutes. The average number of cars per household in Sweet Springs is two.