Sugar Creek, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This section presents information on the population and steets of Sugar Creek City, Missouri. The city has a total population of 3,339 people and a median household income of $35,738. This area's income distribution is less unequal than the national average, but still more equitable than the national average. In fact, the city is home to more people who earn less than the national median than those who make more.

The US Census also reveals the employment figures for the city of Sugar Creek, MO. The city has a total of 23 police officers, which means that it has a higher rate of crime than the average Missouri city. In addition, there are more people working in math and computers than in any other profession. The population of Sugar Creek is diverse, but there are a few racial groups that are more homogeneous than others.

The area around Sugar Creek City used to be home to a first-class pleasure resort, known as Fairmount Park. This park featured a hotel, a theater, and a roller coaster that was once the largest in the world. Standard Oil of Indiana purchased land in Sugar Creek and opened a new oil refinery in 1904. By 1918, the population had grown to over 800 residents. The city is a suburb of Columbus.

The average rent in Sugar Creek is approximately $746 per month. This figure includes utilities, as well as some other costs of living. While the median rent in Sugar Creek City is higher than the average in Missouri, the rent burden in the city is still slightly lower than in neighboring cities. Nearby cities have higher rent burdens, with 31.3% and 31.1%, respectively. In Sugar Creek, 37.6% of housing units are occupied by renters.