Stover, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information about Stover City, Missouri, you've come to the right place. Read on to discover more about the population, steets, and crime rates of Stover City. Using the data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, you can compare the city to other surrounding areas to determine the safety of the city. Listed below are crime rates in Stover City compared to other cities of similar size and population.

Although Stover is a city designated by the US Postal Service, it could also be a town, village, or school. The ZIP code for Stover City is D (Default). This is the default designation for the area and is used to identify the area. Its population is just over one thousand people. It's an ideal size for one family to call Stover home, but not everyone lives in the city.

The median property value in Stover City was $72,100 in 2019. This is 0.3 times lower than the national average of $240,500. The median home value increased from $66,600 to $72,100 in 2019, or 8.26%. The unemployment rate in Stover, MO is 4.3% among those aged 16 and older. Twenty-nine percent of the population is employed by the local, state, or federal government.

The city's population is composed of households that have two or more people. Most households are headed by married couples, although there are also some single people. The median age of these households is forty-one. The median income per household is $43,066. One-third of households is self-employed, and twenty-two percent are unemployed. It's important to note that the population of Stover City is still small enough to grow by itself.