Stoutsville, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population of Stoutsville City, Ohio? There are approximately 2,200 people living in this town. The median age of residents is 34 years old, 3.9 years younger than the average American. The city is home to a small, but significant, percentage of elderly residents. While only 3% of residents live alone, those who do use public transportation are often older than the national average. The majority of people in Stoutsville commute by car, with only a small percentage taking public transportation.

While poverty is prevalent in the United States, Stoutsville's rate is lower than the national average. According to the U.S. Census, 6.76% of the population lives in poverty. Rent is $782 per month, and the median house value is $112,100. The average age of residents is 32.3 years, and males are slightly older than females. As of the most recent US Census, Stoutsville, OH is home to approximately 560 residents.

In 1974, the city filed a lawsuit against the village for a change in zoning laws. The lawsuit sought to establish new city hall, replace public school facilities, and restore the historic downtown. The plaintiff filed an amended complaint on May 29 against Stoutsville, Missouri, and asked the court to order the Village to build alternative facilities. This lawsuit was ultimately dismissed. The plaintiff's attorneys then appealed the ruling, and Stoutsville is still fighting to keep its business and its population.