St Robert, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning to visit Saint Robert, MO, you might be interested to know about the surrounding cities. This list of cities is ideal for planning a road trip and exploring the local area. If you don't have time to spend too much time on your trip, you can search for cities that are within four hours' drive of Saint Robert, MO.

According to the United States Census Bureau and the American Community Survey, the population of St Robert City, Missouri, is expected to reach 6,193 by 2020. That makes it the second largest city in the greater St Robert area, just after Fort Leonard Wood CDP (population of 14,779).

The median household income in St. Robert is $27,313, which is considered middle-income in Missouri and the US. A family of four earning this amount earns about $109,252 per year. This small town has a mix of wealthy and poor residents.

A detailed analysis of the population of St Robert, Missouri shows that there are large age groups. For instance, St Robert has a large proportion of people under 20 years old. In fact, St Robert Missouri is the second-largest city in the region for the percentage of people between the ages of 20 and 29.

When it comes to violent crime, the north part of St. Robert has a violent crime rate of three and a half per thousand residents. However, the southwest part of St. Robert has fewer violent crimes than the northwest part. The violent crime rate map may look inflated if compared to nearby cities, but the violent crime rate in the north part of the city is not necessarily a dangerous area.