Solo, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking to expand your city's economy, Population & Steets in Solo may be of interest. This Indonesian city is home to many industries, including the textiles industry. It also boasts several industrial zones outside of the city, such as the Palur, Grogol, and Jetis. Companies located in this region include Sritex, Indo Acidatama, Konimex, and the Batik home industry.

Surakarta and Solo are Javanese names for the city. Its area is 44 square miles (16 sq mi). The city is located on the Solo River and adjoins the Karanganyar Regency to the north. It is part of the greater Surakarta Area, which comprises 59 districts in seven regencies. The city has a population of 3,649,254 people.

The hereditary ruler of Solo is Pakubuwono XIII. In addition to the mayor, the city has a junior court, a branch of which is born of another civil war. This court is called the Mangkunegaran and resides in a small principality within the Kasunanan regency. In addition to the hereditary monarch, the prince of the Mangkunegaran is the mayor of Surakarta until 2015.