Seymour, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in the population of Seymour City, Indiana, you may be interested in seeing the latest Population & Steets figures. These statistics have been compiled by the US Census Bureau and are based on the most recent American Community Survey. Although these data are updated yearly, we cannot guarantee their accuracy. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us or visit our website.

The city government is composed of a mayor and four aldermen. The city has a complete network of public works and a 24-hour fire department. Residents can enjoy free electricity, water, and gas. Various utilities are operated and owned by the city. The public schools are renowned for their quality of life. The population of Seymour is growing. However, there are still many things to do in this quaint city.

The city has a vibrant business, residential, and industrial community. Residents and businesses alike enjoy the bustling atmosphere and attractive parks and landscaping. Seymour is also home to a low crime rate, good schools, and affordable housing. And, according to the latest census data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the city is projected to continue growing. In fact, the county in which it is located has the seventh fastest growing population in Indiana!

The US Census Bureau reports that there are 2,165 residents of voting age in Seymour. Of these, 48.1% are males and 51.9% are females. The city is home to 10.3% Hispanics. Its low income rate makes it a prime location for businesses and organizations. The median household income is $3900. And if you have any questions about Seymour, Texas, don't hesitate to contact us and ask for assistance.