Saint Elizabeth, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Whether you're looking for information about the history of the city or want to explore the area a little more, you'll find plenty of resources in this section. The following article will discuss some of the most notable facts about the city and its residents. Listed below are some of the more popular places to visit in Saint Elizabeth City, North Carolina. For more information about the city, check out Wikivoyage.

The city's population was spread out, with 27.7% of residents under the age of 19 living with their parents. Twenty-four percent of households were made up of married couples. Twenty-five percent were non-families. One-third of the population was over the age of 65. The median age was 31.3 years, with a high proportion of single persons. Males outnumbered females eight-to-one, with 68.4 males to every one hundred females.

The city has a large black population. It began to develop after 1851, when the city expanded to include the area. The black population began to grow in this area during the late nineteenth century, attracted to the schools and churches of the area. During the twentieth century, a black community formed a majority of the population and the area was named for them. The town's Quaker Meeting House and Cemetery was founded in 1795.

The Elizabeth City Micropolitan Statistical Area is a coastal area in South Carolina. It has a population of 64,094, and is part of the Virginia Beach-Norfolk, NC Combined Statistical Area. The city is home to several historic sites and cultural traditions. Its rich history is reflected in its nickname, "Harbor of Hospitality."