Patton, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For more information about the Steets and Population in Patton City, PA, read the following article. It contains information on the racial makeup of the area. As a result, you'll be able to make the right decisions when choosing a place to live. Patton, Pennsylvania, is a great place to live if you're looking for a comfortable, affordable place to live.

The population of Patton is approximately 1,920. The median household income is $36,027. There are also some important economic statistics about the area. The median household income is $36,027, which is similar to the national average. The area also has a 0.469 poverty rate, which is the highest in Pennsylvania. This means that Patton, PA residents earn just enough money to live comfortably and afford to have a nice place to call home.

The racial composition of Patton, PA residents varies. The majority are White, followed by Two Or More, and Black. The most common racial/ethnic groups living below the poverty line in Patton, PA are White, Two Or More, and Black. While the majority of Patton residents have some sort of health coverage, the majority are on Medicaid, subsidized by their employers. Another significant demographic is the job group. Nearly 93.3% of Patton residents are employed in these fields.

Although many of Patton's constituents are receptive to progressive values, his political influence in the city and county has been controversial. His election to the city board in 1971 demonstrated the progressive forces' position. His success as an activist allowed him to join a coalition of opposition to growth in the city. Throughout the 1970s, the county board sawsawed back and forth, but Patton's seat wasn't seriously challenged. In 1981, activists won permanent control of county government.