Old Monroe, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Old-Monroe City, Louisiana, are a good place to start your exploration of the area. Although the city is small, the streets and buildings are still impressive, and you're sure to find something worth noticing. In addition to the historical features, this section of Monroe is home to some interesting architecture, including the Steets. Listed below are a few points of interest.

The population of Old Monroe, Missouri, is just under two thousand. As of the 2010 census, this city's population was 265. In 1815, this city was the site of the Battle of the Sink Hole, a battle between Missouri Rangers and Sauk Indians led by Black Hawk. The Sauk Indians were unaware of the Treaty of Ghent and fought for their freedom in an area near the Cuivre River, near the city of Old Monroe today.

The average age of residents in Old Monroe City was 31.8 years old, while the proportion of young people (less than 18) and older people was 10.9%. While the population of the city was not particularly diverse, it was still largely white - 70 percent of its population was White. Old Monroe City's Hispanic and Latino population increased slightly from the 2011 census, as did the percentage of people aged 65 and older.

The per capita income of people living in Monroe City, MO is $24,914 (lower middle class compared to the national average). The median property value in Monroe City, MO is $87,900, which translates into about $99,656 for a family of four. The city is home to a mixture of wealthy and poor people. The city is very ethnically diverse, with most residents reporting being White, Black, or African-American.