Mendon, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering moving to Mendon, it might help to look at the population and steets in the area. While the overall rate of poverty is lower than the national average, a quarter of the residents live below the poverty line. For comparison, the poverty rate in the state of Utah is 9.15%. The median gross rent in Mendon City is $691 per month. If you're considering a move to Mendon, make sure you research the median gross rent first.

The town's May Day celebrations, dating back to 1874, feature the selection of a queen and a dance of maidens around a maypole. Today, Mendon is a bedroom community for commuters from nearby Logan. For more information about the town's history, read Isaac Sorensen's history of Mendon City, published in 1988 by the University of Utah Press.

As of Jan. 1, 2015, the population of Mendon was 6,059. While there is no municipal sewer service in the town, trash service is provided to all residents. Residents receive semi-annual bills from the Mendon Board of Health. Roads in the Mendon area must be approved by town meeting before they are built. Further information can be obtained by visiting the Mendon Board of Health. If you are considering a move to Mendon, make sure to contact the board of health for more information.

As for the demographics of the town, Mendon has 1,121 residents. Its median household income is $80,870. Mendon's poverty rate is 0.48%. Listed below is a list of notable individuals in the Mendon area. You can zoom in on the map to see more details. For a list of the people in the city, see the Mendon, Illinois page.