Lead Hill, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Lead Hill, Arkansas is roughly 9,500 people. A little over half of the people in this city are adults. Lead Hill is also home to a few high-income households. There are a few things you should know before moving to Lead Hill. The median household income in Lead Hill is $27,125, and the average home value is $146,000. The majority of Lead Hill residents are homeowners. There are also a few households that rent.

The population of Lead Hill, Arkansas is comprised of 177 people of voting age. The gender makeup of the city is roughly equal; 39.5% of the residents are male, while 60% are female. About 13.2% of the population is 65 years or older. The population is overwhelmingly white, with an average of 2.23 people living in a household. The median age of Lead Hill residents is 34. The city has a male to female ratio of 109.1, and a low number of Hispanics.

Leadville is located in the valley of the Arkansas River, which flows from the southern Rocky Mountains into the Mississippi River. It is sandwiched between two mountain ranges: the Mosquito Range and the Sawatch Range. Both mountain ranges contain several peaks that rise above 14,000 feet. Mount Elbert is the highest peak in the Rocky Mountains in North America and the Mississippi River drainage basin. In addition, there are several mountain ranges within the city.