Kidder, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Having a quick glance at the Population & Steets in Kiddler City can help you understand the area better. You can find out how much crime is committed per 1,000 residents or per 1000 visitors to the city. Crime rates vary by neighborhood, and in the case of Kidder City, the crime rate can be as high as 1 in 34 in the west and 1 in 40 in the northeast. Although comparing crime rates may be difficult, a simple crime map can give you an idea. The crime rate map looks similar to the population map of the state. Crime is most likely to occur in neighborhoods with few residents.

The income distribution in Kidder City is relatively low. A low percentage of the population lives below the poverty line, and the median household income is just over $25,000 per year. The racial makeup of the city also plays a role, with Whites making up nearly two-thirds of all residents. However, people of color and Asian descent are significantly higher than the average American citizen. In addition, the median household income in Kidder City is higher than that of the state as a whole.

There are 215 people living in Kidder. The median household income is $35,536. The unemployment rate is 2.9 percent. The median age is 20.5 years old. And there are a number of local businesses in the area. In addition to local business owners, there are many manufacturers and suppliers of household products. And with such diverse economic opportunities, the community is growing quickly. If you're interested in the demographics of the city, you're going to need to check out the Population & Steets in Kidder City.