Elsberry, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know how many people live in Elsberry City, MO, you should learn more about the area. This large city is located on the border of Illinois and Missouri, along the Mississippi River. The best time to visit is during the months of September, May, June, or December. The weather in Elsberry is usually mild, but you may have to bundle up in the winter.

The population of Elsberry is comprised of 111.0% whites, 2.6% blacks, and 0.3% Hispanics. There are about 1,876 households in Elsberry, and the average household size is 2.72 people. The median household income in Elsberry, MO is $43,739, and the average household income is $52,108. The average high school graduation rate in Elsberry is 71%.

The median income in Elsberry, MO is $36,991, which is lower than the national average of $65,712. This city has a low income inequality, with males earning nearly 1.5 times the average female. The number of businesses in Elsberry, MO is 794. The top industries in Elsberry are Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Manufacturing, which employ 109 people. Compared to other cities, Elsberry, MO's median annual income is significantly lower than the national average.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the city had a median age of 38.4 years. Twenty-six percent of the population lived in single-person households, while 15.3% of the population was married. About thirty-seven percent of households were non-families. Twenty-four percent of the population lived alone, and 12.5% were senior citizens. Males outnumbered females in the city by 87.8 to one, and there were eight patent applications filed in Elsberry City between 2008-2022.