Pachuta, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Pachuta City is 227 people, and the median home value is $140,100. The median commute time to work is 32.1 minutes, and the poverty rate is slightly higher than the state average. For more details on the community, you can look up the city's demographics. For example, the median household size is 2.31 people. The median home value in Pachuta is also above the state average.

The median age in Pachuta City is 33.4 years old. Residents have a median household income of $1,200. The median property value is $150,000, which is nearly double the national average. Pachuta MS has a diverse population, with 45.5% of residents identifying as black. Only 10.7% of residents identify as Hispanic or Latino. In addition, Pachuta has a high percentage of residents who identify as white.

The population of Pachuta is 203 people. It peaked at 268 people in 1990. The population is projected to grow to 16,465 by 2022. The city's average growth rate is 1.6 percent, which is slower than the national average. And it isn't growing as fast as the state average - 57 percent of similarly sized cities grow faster than Pachuta does.