Oak Vale, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in the population and steets of Oak Vale City? If so, you have come to the right place. We've compiled all the population data you could possibly want for Oak Vale City, MS and listed it below. Hopefully this article has given you some useful information! Now, let's talk about some of the other towns surrounding Oak Vale City, MS.

The population of Oak Vale City is comprised of 121 people and 49 households. The population density was 288.1 per square mile. The housing density was 131.0 per square mile, and the racial makeup was 100.0% white. The median age of the population was 41.9 years, with 14.9% of residents being 18 years of age or younger. Twenty-four percent of households were made up of one person, and 10.2% of households were two people.

The population of Oak Vale City is made up of mostly White residents, with 20 Two-Non-Hispanic citizens making up the second largest group. Another 19 people were Hispanic. One percent of the population is American Indian or Alaska Native, while 1.46% of the population is Hispanic. Listed below is the breakdown of all races in Oak Vale City. This information will help you make an informed decision when deciding whether or not to move to the area.