Lorman, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for population and steets statistics in Lorman City, Mississippi, you've come to the right place. You can learn about the demographics of the city and its surrounding areas by reading the following article. It contains important information about Lorman, MS, and how to get in touch with the residents. The population of Lorman is made up of approximately 4,138 people. Of these, 1,412 are under the age of 20. The remainder of the population is either over the age of 20 or is a child.

The population of the city is quite low, especially in areas close to recreational areas. Lorman residents aren't likely to live near parks, which might make crime rates seem higher than they really are. This is because crimes happen where people gather, and there are few people in these areas. Nevertheless, crime statistics are still important because they show where crime is most likely to happen in different neighborhoods. And you can make sure that your neighborhood won't be a victim of a crime by checking out the city's crime statistics.

Another important statistic to look at is the number of children in the area. This information can be used to make important decisions regarding their environments and job markets. Lorman has a total school enrollment of 2,748. Of those, 716 were nursery school students. Similarly, 3,827 children attended elementary school. Then, there were about 400 students in high school and four in college. In terms of population, Lorman is home to about 7,320 people.