Hazlehurst, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in learning more about the Population & Steets of Hazlehurst City, Mississippi? If so, you've come to the right place! Hazlehurst, Mississippi is located in the state of Mississippi and is located at the following address: Population & Steets in Hazlehurst City, MS. You can also contact the city hall to find out what their hours are and what services they offer.

The USPS provides the Hazlehurst city name, but many other places use the same name. It may be a town, village, or school. The ZIP code is D--default. The city has one school named Hazlehurst, and it's the only one in the area. The Hazlehurst ZIP code is D--default. It's important to know that ZIP codes are not necessarily a reflection of the town's population, as they can change over time.

The population of Hazlehurst is approximately 4,226. Jeff Davis County is located just outside of Hazlehurst. The city is the county seat. The population was 4,226 in 2010 according to the U.S. Census. The city also has chambers for the superior court clerk and the judge of Jeff Davis County. If you're looking for a job in Hazlehurst, Georgia, check out our local business directory.