Wright, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The violent crime rate in Wright City is 2.47 per thousand residents during a standard year. People generally consider the northeast part of the city to be the safest area. However, the odds of becoming a victim of a violent crime are higher in the city's western neighborhoods, where the number of crimes per capita is as high as one in 125. On the other hand, in the northeastern area, the violent crime rate is one in 838. This may seem counter-intuitive, but it does show that there are fewer crimes in Wright City than in other parts of the country.

The population of Wright City is 2,500. This city is located on the border between Illinois and Missouri. It is approximately 50 miles west of downtown St. Louis. The population is comprised largely of single-family homes, though some multi-family dwellings are also located here. There are a few businesses and small stores in Wright City, ranging from light to heavy industrial. In 2005, the population of Wright City was 2,500.

Although the population of Wright City is predominantly white, the population is also diverse. There are Vietnamese and black council members in Wright City, and a black woman is the city's first female mayor. Both women campaigned on platform commitments to preserve wetlands, but their support for the gas plant conflicts with their promises and the public's will. The city's government also hired a state representative of Hmong descent, Samantha Vang.